FSC Core Labour Requirements Update

FSC has included the FSC core labour requirements in its chain of custody standard to provide added protection for the rights of workers in all FSC certified operations.

New FSC Core Labour Requirements Further Protect Workers

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has released new core labour requirements in its chain of custody certification standard to provide added protection for the rights of workers in all FSC certified operations.

FSC Week #StandforForests Toolkit is now available!

Our FSC Week #standforforests toolkit has arrived! Packed with tools designed to help you easily share your commitment to responsible forestry and FSC with staff, followers, customers and supporters during FSC Week (September 20-24).

Committed to Upholding Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

“FSC has brought Indigenous rights and titles to the forefront of forestry practice.” Valérie Courtois, Director at the Indigenous Leadership Initiative, member of the Innu community of Mashteuiatsh and Registered Forest Professional (RFP).

Progress in the Pandemic: 2020 Annual Report

Despite the challenges wrought by the pandemic in2020, FSC Canada made necessary adjustments to continue to drive our steadfast commitment to responsible forest management.

Small-Scale, Low Intensity and Community Forests Standard Progress Update

To help small and community forests attain FSC certification, FSC has been working to modify requirements that take into account the size, intensity and capacity of operations in these forests to ensure the new standard can be equally applicable to small-scale, low intensity and community forests.

Forest Carbon Research Underway

After an extensive review process, FSC US and FSC Canada have selected SCS Global Services to conduct research into the forest carbon impacts of FSC certification in the Pacific West, Southeast US and Canadian boreal forests.

Good News for Caribou

Across the boreal forests of Canada, “grey ghosts” have roamed for hundreds of years, elusive creatures that seek out forest landscapes undisturbed by humans.

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