10 Interesting Facts About the Current Global Tissue Market

To say that global geopolitical, trade flows and economic structures are stressed would be an understatement. Over the course of the last two years, a heightened sense of uncertainty has permeated our lives and the markets we depend on, though there are shimmers of light and reasons to be hopeful.

We Need to Worry About the Logging Sector

Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to speak with a dozen or more loggers across the Northeast, and I am worried about what I hear. Almost universally, loggers express concerns about their economic health and wonder what their future will bring.

Renewable Materials and the Future of Plastics

As COP26 delegates dissected the detail on decarbonizing our world, chemical innovators ushered in sustainable solutions of their own. Late 2021 saw a raft of agreements and announcements key to sustainability and circularity.

Global Shipping Costs Hit ‘Stupid O’Clock’

Bulk and commodity trade and vessel movements are embroiled in further turmoil in early October, with day rates for vessel leases spiking so dramatically, a commodity trader told IndustryEdge, “Its stupid o’clock out there. You can get a vessel, but you’ll pay through the nose, and rates are increasing by the hour some days.”

Mastering Feedstock Management is Key for Bioenergy Project Success

The largest risks to the early-stage project development of modern bioenergy plants—including the ability to raise the necessary capital and demonstrate profitability over time—are associated with identifying reliable, sustainable, affordable and bankable supplies of wood raw material feedstocks.

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