The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications and recordings has been updated to February 28, 2021.
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On-line characterization of wood chip brightness and chemical composition by means of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy
Restricted to members of Pulp, Paper and Bioproducts
Adapting forest operations to climate change
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Bioéconomie forestière. Aménagement forestier et attenuation des changements climatiques
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Comment le secteur forestier peut contribuer à l’atténuation des changements climatiques
Détection précoce de la TBE à l’aide de drone
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Early SBW detection with drone
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Forest bioeconomy. Forest management and climate change mitigation
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
How the forest sector can help mitigate climate change
Impacts des changements climatiques: évaluation régionale de la vulnérabilité des opérations forestière
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Les changements climatiques: les opérations forestières doivent s’adapter
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Regional vulnerability assessments of climate change impacts to forest operations
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Stand conversion for wildfire risk mitigation management strategies
Truck platooning: principle of operation and benefits webinar
Update on commercial thinning project & PCSim
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Use mobile LIDAR for plot level forest inventory
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Utilisation d’un lidar mobile pour l’inventaire forestier
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Wildfire operations program
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Tannins extraction from bark for industrial applications, laboratory study
Advanced industrialized construction to achieve high building energy efficiency
Développer la construction industrialisée pour améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments
Expanding wood use towards 2025: Carbon metrics for exterior walls designed to R-22 in Vancouver
Restricted to members of FPInnovations
WoodST: an advanced modelling tool for fire safety analysis of timber structures
WoodST: outil de modélisation avancé pour l’analyse de la sécurité incendie des structures en bois
Source: FPInnovations