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“Hot” topic: Monitoring log temperature gain for improved debarking
[VIDEO] You’ve heard about it, now you can see it for yourself: FPInnovations’ concrete lab.
A greener asphalt solution to be tested by the ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable
A new digital tool for forest stewardship passes major development stage
A Rewarding Evaluation and Coaching Service for Forestry Contractors
A robotized technology to help protect against forest fires
A tool for understanding climate change impacts on British Columbia forest operations
Advanced connectivity for digital transformation of forest operations
Alternative forestry equipment: Lighter can be better
Another step towards autonomous forestry machines
Benchmarking greenhouse gas emissions in forest operations: how you can help!
Bio-Sourced Asphalt Paves a New Road for Clean Economy in Quebec
Boiler Optimization: A cost-effective solution to lower GHG emissions and increase profit
Building with wood: A big piece in the puzzle of decarbonizing the economy by 2050
Burnt wood: recovering wood fibre from wildfires
Calculation of fuel surcharge: FPInnovations can help you
Canada’s forest sector and climate change: join the free webinar
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage: new series of webinars now available
Collaborative research for improved safety of forestry workers
Corrosion is hazardous and costly – Here’s what you can do to manage it.
Do you have your copies yet of these free wood building guides?
Drive the Future: Embrace Zero Emissions Trucking
Drones for remote sensing solutions: FPSilvi & FPResidue
Elemental analyzer service offered by FPInnovations
Energy Management and Process Debottlenecking: A Stimulating Partnership for the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry
Field performance of durable Canadian wood products
Final webinar on accounting for climate change impacts when designing resource road stream crossings
Forest sector helps Canada reach net-zero target through decarbonization of lime kilns
Forestry is key to growing a resilient bioeconomy in B.C.
FPInnovations - Annual Report 2020-2021
FPInnovations and Deloupe leading the way: Impressive achievements highlighting sustainable innovations in forest transportation sector
FPInnovations and the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts present at Woodrise 2023 on Québec’s wood construction sector
FPInnovations announces the successful completion of the baseline tests of the truck platooning project
FPInnovations contributes to new book on sustainable management of boreal forests
FPInnovations hosted a global delegation at its facilities during the BIOFOR conference
FPInnovations introduces world’s first ready-to-produce biodegradable and eco-friendly non-medical mask
FPInnovations invites you to the FIBC 2023 event!
FPInnovations Projects in Northern Ontario Deliver 10:1 ROI
FPInnovations releases its Value Delivery Compendium for the year
FPInnovations to conduct testbed to support clean energy adoption in the trucking sector
FPInnovations to welcome Woodrise 2025 in Vancouver
FPInnovations’ new guide for controlling wood floor vibrations
FPInnovations’ Pulp, Paper and Bioproducts Course is back for 2022!
FPInnovations’ Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course announced for fall 2024
FPInnovations’ Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course is back!
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
FPInnovations’ recent publications
Government of Canada to fund training program to facilitate the use of biomass CHP systems in Indigenous communities
Hügelkultur as a debris management technique in forest fuel reduction treatments
Hybrid trailer-trucks: A breakthrough towards the electrification of heavy trucks
Increasing service life of boomsticks
Jade Road project: testing new designs to improve resource roads performance
Just released! On-board computers tutorial
Just released! Operational manual for commercial thinning in British Columbia
Leveraging open-source LiDAR to prioritize legacy road terrain stability assessments
Lignin from Canadian forests: the secret ingredient for greener roads
Mill staff reap benefits from on-site pulp and paper training
New FPInterface version 2.2.1 now available!
New geosynthetics design online tool and workshop for unpaved roads
New guide on mass timber diaphragms
New guide to reduce environmental footprint through digitalization of design and analysis in timber structures
New report on modelling a continuous digester extraction zone
New reports on productivity of motor-manual forest fuel reduction treatments
New video about managing erosion and sediment around resource roads
News Release: FPInnovations committed to reduce carbon footprint through tall wood construction in Canada
Now available online: Canada’s forest sector and climate change webinar
Optitek II and FPDrySim webinars: discover our new platforms
Paper Excellence is a Proud FPInnovations Member
PaperWeek conference a success with help from FPInnovations
Peer-reviewed article published: “A guide to eliminating baggy webs”
Peer-reviewed article published: “Chemical and structural characterization of hardwood and softwood LignoForce”
Peer-reviewed article published: “Electro-osmotic Actuators from Cellulose Nanocrystals and Nanocomposite Hydrogels”
Peer-reviewed article published: “Fast Self-Assembly of Scalable Photonic Cellulose Nanocrystals and Hybrid Films via Electrophoresis”
Peer-reviewed article published: “Web lateral instability caused by nonuniform paper properties”
PIT Group tests electric yard trucks for life in Canada
Port Hawkesbury Paper’s Screen Room Modernization Utilizes Innovative Technology and Saves Energy
Private LTE Network for forest operations: Latest trial results
Proactive maintenance: An approach that pays off
Pulp and paper training courses help mill staff stay one step ahead
Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course announced for fall 2023
Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course successfully offered in person and online
Recent presentations on carbon emissions in forest operations
Recent Pulp & Paper and Bioproducts RISF presentations
Recent Pulp & Paper and Bioproducts RISF presentations
Recent Wood Products RISF presentations
Reducing GHG emissions of forest products transportation in Newfoundland and Labrador
Registration open for the Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course
Research findings help mills produce low-energy BCTMP
Reserve your spot in the Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course
Rising to the challenge to detect wildfires early
Road Seasoning: A Practice to Optimize Forest Road Costs and Performance
Robotic Research and FPInnovations partner to develop resource road truck platooning technology
Roll on, roll off: How FPInnovations’ RTF can be the solution to better roll performance
Sampling crowns to manage pests – can new enabled robotic technologies make a difference?
Shaping the Future of the Forest Industry through Digital Transformation
Skogforsk and FPInnovations Revitalize Collaboration for Forestry Advancements
SM2 Initiative: results that benefit the industry
SmartDriver for Forestry Trucks
Stretchable paper: an exciting avenue for novel paper applications
Successful Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course wraps up for 2023
Summary of the SM2 Initiative: participate in our online webinar
Survey on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Sustainable bioproducts in concrete? FPInnovations is making it happen, and fast!
Tackling climate change, one road at a time
Take part in FPInnovations 2022 benchmarking of bleached and unbleached kraft pulps
Talking about Digitalization with Francis Charette
The 2023 WOODRISE event opens soon
The future of forestry transportation: ZEVs and LEVs driving change in emission and cost reductions
The growing threat of wildfires: impacts on Canada’s forest industry and the role of FPInnovations
Transforming Québec’s forest sector for the future with mechanized silviculture
Tried and true: Proper use of preserved wood
UBC and FPInnovations Introduce Bioenergy Training for Remote Areas
Upcoming webinar series on managing woody fibre
Using SilviScan technology for climate-impact research
Using teleoperation in forestry: improved safety and greater access to timber
Visit us at Carrefour Forêt 2023!
Wet-end runnability issues? FPInnovations’ portable infra-red moisture sensor to the rescue!
Wildfire impacts on resource roads are projected to increase – what can be done?
Wildfire Protection: Leveraging FPInnovations’ expertise to support FireSmart Canada initiatives
Worried about CANFER certification? Don’t. These two companies decided to come together so you won’t have to sweat it.