View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library.
Click on any title for more information.
Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC)/polymer nanocomposite latex via surfactant-free emulsion polymerization
Kraft lignin in wood veneer adhesives. Lignin-based adhesives for panels and other engineered wood products, Research Information Sharing and Feedback (RISF), September 6, 2023
Restricted to members of Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts and members of Wood Products
Improvements in LignoForceTM lignin production and OPEX. Research Information Sharing and Feedback (RISF), August 2023
Restricted to members of Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts
Improvements in LignoForceTM lignin production and OPEX. Research Information Sharing and Feedback (RISF), August 2023
Restricted to members of Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts
2023 Canadian wildfire season. RISF, Managing impacts of forest fire in your operations, August 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
Essais de chauffe-moteurs. Rapport du Groupe PIT report 301015718-1
Restricted to members of Forest Operations and partners of PIT Group
Evaluation of technologies and practices to reduce or eliminate log load securement related injuries
Évaluation opérationnelle à court terme d’un camion Volvo VNR Electric
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
Impact of burned wood on pulping and pulp quality. RISF, Managing impacts of forest fire in your operations, August 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
L’effet du bois brûlé sur la production de la pâte et sur sa qualité. PIRR / RISF, Programme Opérations Forestières
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
Manufacturing fire affected wood. RISF, Managing impacts of forest fire in your operations, August 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
Répercussions des incendies de forêt sur les opérations forestières, implications en matière de santé et sécurité. PIRR / RISF, Gérer l’impact des feux de forêt dans vos opérations
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
Repercussions of forest fires on the forest operations, safety implications. RISF, Managing impacts of forest fire in your operations, August 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
RRAI and FPInnovations and driveless technology; promotional video
Saison des feux de forêt au Canada, 2023. PIRR / RISF, Gérer l’impact des feux de forêt dans vos opérations
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
Short-term operational trial with a Volvo VNR electric tractor
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
Sommaire des essais d’un tracteur semi-remorque hybride électrique
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
Testing of engine heaters. PIT report 301015718-1
Restricted to members of Forest Operations and partners of PIT Group
Traitement du bois endommagé par le feu. PIRR / RISF, Gérer l’impact des feux de forêt dans vos opérations
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations
Biorefining processes and products, products and services
Biosourced materials for more sustainable concrete, products and services
Biosourced materials for more sustainable polymer compounds, products and services
Cellulose fonctionnalisés et nanocellulose, produits et services
Évaluation de la performation de la protection du bois, produits et services
Functionalized cellulose and nanocellulose materials, products and services
Lignin specialty products, products and services
Matériaux biosourcés pour des composés polymères plus durables, produits et services
Matériaux biosourcés pour un béton plus durable, produits et services
Procédés et produits de bioraffinage, produits et services
Produits spécialisés à la lignine, produits et services
Wood protection performance evaluation, products and services
Airtightness classification of prefabricated wall panel joints
Canadian regulations on formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products
Field performance of preserved shakes
Règlementation canadienne sur les émissions de formaldéhyde des produits de bois composite
Visit FPInnovations’ online research library for searchable access to the full collection that covers over 50 years of research related to forest operations, wood products, pulp and paper, and bio-sourced products.
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Source: FPInnovations