View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library. Click on any title for more information.
Electrocamion, STAC June 2022
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Environmental lapse rate as a wildfire tool. An Arduino based RPAS data logger
Essais de chaufferettes de cabine
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
FPInnovations truck platooning initiative, STAC June 2022
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations
Résumé des essais de chaufferettes de cabine
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
Revue des méthodes nivométriques dans le cadre de l’article 147 du RADF
Summary of cab heaters testing
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
Testing of cab heaters
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
FPInnovations’ Tissue Dust & Lint Tester Promotion
Expanding wood use towards 2025: preliminary investigation of the seismic performance of balloon-type CLT shear walls and key seismic design
Restricted to members of Wood Products
FPInnovations pushes wood as solution to climate goals, affordable housing
Modelling guide for timber structures 2022 – first edition
Utilisation de bois de faible valeur ou d’espèces sous-utilisées dans la production de panneaux OSB
Restricted to members of Wood Products
Essais de performance des lames de plancher, produits et services
Fabrication de panneau, produits et services
Industrialized construction, product development and optimization: new EWP for industrialized construction
Restricted to members of Wood Products
Panel manufacturing, products and services
Performance testing of floor boards, products and services
Visit FPInnovations’ online research library for searchable access to the full collection that covers over 50 years of research related to forest operations, wood products, pulp and paper, and bio-sourced products.
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Source: FPInnovations