Have you ever wondered how the amount of fuel used in your operations compares to others in your industry? Whether your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are reasonable, or if they could be better? With your help, FPInnovations can help you find the answers to these questions!
About the study
FPInnovations is embarking on a study to benchmark direct emissions from fossil fuel consumption in Canadian forest operations. We will contact operators across the country to gather information on volume of fibre harvested and hauled, along with fuel volumes. We will then use the results to identify regional trends in fuel consumption and GHG emissions according to stand type and harvest system.
The results will be presented in aggregate. The names of participants and any information pertaining to individual operations will not be published and will remain strictly confidential.
We need your help!
Your role in this important study is critical yet requires minimal effort. We simply require you to help connect us with your contractors by making an introduction on our behalf. We will then conduct all interviews and perform the analyses and reporting.
How will you benefit?
You will be able to see if your operations’ GHG emissions are competitive on the basis of region, harvest system, stand type, or even internationally. Armed with this information, you would be in a better position to develop emissions reduction strategies for your company and document changes in emissions over time. You would also find the benchmark data helpful in reporting environmental performance for regulatory requirements should they be needed in the future, such as for sustainable forest management and other certifications.
Contact us
We are currently developing the reporting forms and methodologies, and will begin conducting interviews this summer. Contact any of the following researchers to participate:
Source: FPInnovations