Following recommendations from FPInnovations, a recent change in allowable gross vehicle weight (AGVW) through a pilot program for two log truck configurations in Newfoundland and Labrador is underway.
The pilot program configurations include an 8-axle B-train trailers going to an AGVW of 65 500 kg (from 62 500 kg) and a tandem drive tractor with a quad axle semi-trailer going to an AGVW of 57 500 kg (from 55 500 kg). The results of these changes in configurations provide 4% lower GHG emissions and 6% fewer log truck trips required to haul a given volume, The reduction in GHG emissions equates to the removal of more than 135 passenger vehicles from the road per year.
Once fully implemented, the change in allowable gross vehicle weight (AGVW) for the two truck configurations are expected to improve forest sector efficiency while reducing impacts on public road infrastructure and lowering GHG emissions. This initiative also promotes road user safety while also addressing the growing issue of a shortage of professional truck drivers.
This win-win policy change will not require any investment or additional cost from the forest industry, the truck fleets, or the government to reap the benefits. It is an all-round win!
Improving the safety, environmental impact, and productivity of the transportation operations of the Canadian forest industry has long been a priority at FPInnovations. FPInnovations has been at the forefront of the introduction of new trucking configurations, including multi-axle higher capacity configurations such as the 9 and 10-axle log and chip trucks and the introduction of quad semi-trailers in Alberta and the Atlantic provinces. In Ontario, FPInnovations has assisted its members and their contractors to adapt to the Safe, Productive & Infrastructure-Friendly (SPIF) regulations and has worked closely with Northwestern Ontario Log Transportation Association (NOLTA) to enhance trucking safety and promote regulatory compliance. FPInnovations has globally recognized expertise in vehicle dynamics and safety as well as in log and chip truck efficiency, safety, and operation.
This pilot program is a positive step towards reducing the environmental impact of the forest industry in Newfoundland and Labrador. The success of this pilot program could serve as a model for other regions and industries to follow in their efforts to meet GHG emission reduction targets.
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Source: FPInnovations