Applications Due: February 23, 2023
In 2019, FSC Canada launched its new Forest Management Standard which replaced the regional forest management standards. The new standard does not have, for example, requirements for small-scale, low intensity, and community forests, as well as enhanced indicators for intact forest landscapes and Indigenous cultural landscapes. Developing these requirements will help ensure that our forests can continue to be FSC certified under the new rules as well as provide better access to FSC certification.
In carrying out this important work, FSC Canada has assembled an eight person Standards Development Group (SDG) related to forest management. The SDG includes two (2) members per chamber (Aboriginal, Environmental, Social and Economic). However, after many years of good collaboration, some SDG members have decided to retire. FSC Canada is now seeking to add a representative to the SDG Economic Chamber.
This is a voluntary position. Members will provide oversight and strategic direction in the development of Intact Forest Landscape and Indigenous Cultural Landscape indicators as well as some other standards related tasks.
The Standards Development Group consists of representatives from across all chambers (Aboriginal, Social, Environmental and Economic), with an equal number of people in each chamber and consideration for regional representation, gender balance and diversity of experience.
If you are interested, and are a FSC member, please send your interest and contact information to Vivian Peachey
Source: FSC Canada