FSC-PRO-01-001 outlines the process and steps to develop, review, revise, and withdraw international normative documents.
This revision aims to produce a more efficient and effective procedure, that streamlines FSC normative framework and in turn contributes to strengthening the FSC system. The public consultation period is open until January 7, 2022 via the FSC Consultation Platform.
FSC’s normative framework (policies, standards, procedures, among other documents) is the backbone of how we protect and manage forests worldwide. Revising the PRO-01-001 is key in streamlining FSC’s normative framework, for with adaptive and user-friendly documents we can continue effectively delivering on the FSC mission.
The revised draft version of the procedure introduces new concepts in the development and revision process of FSC’s normative documents. For example, conducting a revision or development process can now be done with more flexibility, by following one of three pathways. Also, there is a new “scoping” phase where stakeholders are involved early in the process so they can provide feedback on the intent, or outcomes, of the revision or development process before the actual drafting.
In addition to developing a technical working group to revise the procedure, FSC hired an expert to prepare a white paper. The white paper informs FSC membership about why FSC needs to streamline the current procedure, and how this will help FSC to streamline the normative framework. The white paper has been uploaded as a background material to this consultation.
Would you like to know more? You are kindly invited to participate in the first public consultation of FSC-PRO-01-001 to let us know your opinion! If you have provided feedback into our normative framework previously, your input is especially encouraged as we are changing stakeholder feedback processes.
Learn more about this revision process on the FSC website, under Current Processes here.
Sign up to the Consultative Forum mailing list here for updates on the revision of FSC-PRO-01-001.
Source: FSC