The Next Five Years
The development and growth of the FSC in Canada is a remarkable story of the contributions of many participants combining to build a web of well-managed forests across the Canadian landscape. Across these landscapes, the influence of the FSC is significant.
After releasing the new National Forest Stewardship Standard in 2018 and the National Risk Assessment in 2020, FSC Canada has been focused on implementing these standards to ensure their success. The new National Standard offers a leadership platform to advance the free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous Peoples, the protection of species at risk such as woodland caribou, and the integration of Intact Forest Landscapes and Indigenous Cultural Landscapes concepts. Strong community and positive worker relations are emphasized as is recognizing the role of well-managed forests in the global fight on climate change.
Through active engagement of certificate holders, stakeholders and Indigenous Peoples, the National Standard will be implemented and monitored to confirm consensus, provide value, and demonstrate its effectiveness across FSC Canada’s diverse membership and throughout our supply chains.
Climate change has become a strategic focus for the FSC North American region. FSC Canada will deploy climate change, community and ecosystem-based solutions with our stakeholders to help make a meaningful impact sequestering carbon and protecting biodiversity, water and soil in our forests.
In the marketplace, FSC Canada will gather resources to encourage uptake of the FSC brand through the creation of value generated by our monitoring and effectiveness results. Furthermore, FSC will focus on key products such as solid wood. Finally, we will invest in consumer awareness partnering with businesses and retailers in the forest products sector.
The following five strategic priorities support the growth and impact of FSC in Canada and the implementation of the National Standard, along with the emerging North American climate strategy for climate change, and community and ecosystem-based solutions.
As part of a growing and strengthening FSC International system, the role of FSC Canada has never been more relevant. More than twenty years after the establishment of FSC Canada, the organization is well-positioned to expand its impact on the achievement of environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of Canada’s forests.
FSC Canada will:
• Demonstrate FSC Effectiveness and Brand Value
• Expand Markets and Consumer Awareness
• Increase FSC-Certified Area
• Support Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
• Co-create Climate Change, Community and Ecosystem-Based Solutions
For more details please review the full five (5) year strategic plan.
FSC Canada's Five Year Strategic Plan 2023-2027
Source: FSC Canada