Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course announced for fall 2023
FPInnovations’ Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course is back by popular demand!
FPInnovations’ Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course is back by popular demand!
In a world of constant transformation, with climate change and labour shortages as a backdrop, we must question the status quo and deepen our knowledge to adapt to these changes and evolve our ways of doing things.
Floor vibration due to walking has been a subject of interest to designers, builders, and manufacturers for many years.
Early detection is critical to managing wildfires before they grow beyond control. Once a wildfire is beyond control, operational costs and the potential loss of values and livelihood can increase dramatically.
Wildfire risks in Canada are currently elevated and continue to increase in severity and frequency.
View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library.
In March 2017, Québec’s Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) and Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation (MEI) launched the SM2 Initiative (also referred to as Smart Manufacturing 2.0) to address structural competitiveness issues for Eastern Canadian sawmills and to promote increased diversification of new products and applications based on smart and agile technologies.
FPInnovations had a strong presence at PaperWeek Canada 2023 which took place from February 6 to 10.
Following recommendations from FPInnovations, a recent change in allowable gross vehicle weight (AGVW) through a pilot program for two log truck configurations in Newfoundland and Labrador is underway.
Research Information Sharing and Feedback (RISF) activities are offered to FPInnovations’ members to highlight results and solutions from recent research projects.
The Ontario Forest Sector Capacity Building Project (OFSCBP) has been active since the spring of 2021.
View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library. Click on any title for more information.
FPInnovations and Benchmark Holdings, LLC team up to offer you comprehensive expertise and full-service certification support in one setting
Over the last three months, FPInnovations hosted four webinars centered around the topic of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) within the context of the pulp and paper industry in Canada.
Members and affiliates of FPInnovations’ Forest Operations and Wood Products programs recently had the opportunity to attend several online presentations related to reducing carbon emissions:
FPInnovations’ popular Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts Course took place from October 24 to 28, and this year, participants had the choice of attending in person or online.
When incorporating climate change into your next forest operations plan, the Climate Vulnerability Forest Management (CVFM) tool may be a useful resource. The CVFM tool shows the historical and projected trends for climate indicators identified to be most related to climate events that impact forest operations.
In March 2017, the Québec Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) and Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie (MEIE) launched the SM2 Initiative (also known as Smart Manufacturing 2.0), a program aimed to address structural competitiveness issues for Eastern Canadian sawmills and to promote the emergence of a new paradigm for increased diversification of new products and applications based on smart and agile technologies.
SmartDriver for Forestry TrucksDriverSmartDriver for Forestry Trucks has moved to a new host website. Same great content, but now located with Natural Resources Canada’s other commercial driver training programs, such as SmartDriver for Highway Trucking.
View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library. Click on any title for more information.
FPInnovations is pleased to invite mills in the sawmilling and kiln drying sectors to two information sessions on our new platforms.
FPInnovations’ new Modelling Guide for Timber Structures will facilitate analysis and design of mid- and high-rise and long-span structures